

即使給予最好的營養、醫療和運氣,每個物種的壽命,最終還是會受到導致衰老、疾病和死亡的基因所限制,這就是為什麼人類很少能活到100歲以上。因此,要延長健康的壽命,減輕衰老的脆弱性,我們必須找出那些限制壽命的基因。   Bruce 因其在先天免疫領域的貢獻,讓他在2011年獲得諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。自從獲得諾貝爾獎並發明治療類風濕性關節炎藥物Enbrel以來,他在過去十年裡專注於抗病遺傳學,包括衰老。現在通過把誘變基因與人工智能和統計計算相結合,快速找到“有益的基因突變”來抑制疾病。此將徹底改變健康壽命的延長和疾病抵抗力,包括癌症和衰老的脆弱性。 邀請你與諾貝爾獎得主Bruce Beutler共話長壽之謎。   活動詳情     主持人: 梁傳昕博士   主講嘉賓: Bruce A Beutler, MD, Nobel Laireate Topic: The use of automated Meiotic mapping (AMM) to systematically isolate beneficial genetic mutations to ...

The Scientific Quest for Longevity : Human lifespan doubled in the last 100 years, when will it double again?

Even given the best nutrition, medical care, and luck, the lifespan of each member of a species is ultimately limited by our genes that leads to aging, disease, and death. This is the reason why ...

Seminar – Nansha Overall Plan: from Planning to Implementation

In June 2022, the State Council of China issued the “Overall Plan for Promoting Comprehensive Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao by Further Deepening Opening-up in Nansha District of Guangzhou” ( referred as “Nansha ...




Initiated by Mr Leung Chun-ying, the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the Guangzhou Municipal Government established the Consultative Committee on Guangdong-Hong Kong Co-operation (Guangzhou Nansha) (also known as the CCGHKC) in April 2021.



The CCGHKC is a high-level decision-making consulting organization dedicated to the development, opening up and construction management of the Guangdong-Hong Kong industry cooperation zone.



Adopting the G2B consultation model, with Hong Kong and mainland experts/scholars as it core members, the CCGHKC sets a new framework to explore collaboration between Hong Kong and mainland as well as to implement President Xi’s call for Hong Kong to actively participate in national governance.

CCGHKC Service Centre

In order to facilitate mutual cooperation and promote greater scope of exchange between Guangdong-Hong Kong, the CCGHKC set up a workstation in Hong Kong and a Service Centre on 6/F, Block 4, Innovative Bay, Guangzhou Nansha.

Occupying a space of around 10,000 sq ft, the Service Centre provides office space, shared conference facilities and multi-purpose areas to serve the Committee members in the Mainland and Hong Kong and Members of the Service Centre, namely non-governmental organizations that plan to have their base in Guangzhou Nansha to promote cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong.

Currently, there are 23 industrial, commerce and professional organizations have been invited to become members of the Service Centre.

Activity Highlights